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Word Roots of Musculoskeletal System(근골격계의 어근)

by 미세스널스큄 2021. 6. 5.
word root meaning 한국어 example
acr/o extremities 사지 acromegaly (말단비대증)
arthr/o joint 관절 arthritis (관절염)
cephal/o head 머리 cephalalgia (두통)
chondr/o cartilage 연골 chondritis (연골염)
cost/o rib 늑골 intercostal (늑골사이의)
malac/o soft 연화 osteomalacia (골연화증)
oste/o bone osteoma (골종)
crani/o cranium 두개골 craniotomy (개두술)
lumb/o loin 허리, 요부 lumbar (요추의)
pelv/i  pelvis 골반 pelvimetry (골반계측법)
pub/o pubis 치골 pubic (치골의)
kinesi/o motion 운동 kinesiology (신체운동학)
my/o muscle 근육 myospasm (근연축)
myel/o spinal cord
bone marrow
골수, 척수 myeloblast (골수아세포)
myelitis (척수염)
acromi/o acromion 견봉 acromioplasty (어깨뼈봉우리성형술)
ankyl/o stiffness 굳음 ankylosis (관절굳음증)
carp/o carpal 수근골 carpal (손목뼈)
sthen/o strenth myasthenia (근무력증)
calcane/o calcaneous 종골 calcaneal (종골)
humer/o humerus 상완골 humeral(위팔의)
ischi/o ischium 좌골 ischiopubic (궁둥두덩이)
ment/o chin nasomental (코턱)
phalang/o phalanges 지골 phalangectomy (가락절제술)
stern/o sternum 흉골 sternal (흉골의)
pod/o foot podalgia (발통증)
chir/o hand chiropractor (척추지압사)
rachi/o spine 척추 rachischisis (척추갈림증)
spondy/o spine 척추 spondylitis (척추염)
phren/o diaphragm
phrenitis (횡격막염)
phrenopathy (정신질환)
ten/o tendon tenoplasty (건성형술)
burs/o bursa 활액낭 bursitis (윤활낭염)
capit/o head 머리 decapitate (참수)
medull/o bone marrow
pertaining to
spinal cord
medullary cavity (수강)
cerebral medulla (대뇌수질)
medullary canal (뼈속질공간)

