반응형 의학용어34 Type of movement flexion : 굴곡 (Bending of joint) extension : 신전 (Straightening of a joint) adduction : 내전 (Movement toward the midline) abduction : 외전 (Movement away from the midline) rotation : 회전 (Movement that turns the body on its own axis) pronation : 회내 (The movement of the prone position) supination : 회외 (The movement of the supine position) eversion : 외반 (Turn outward) inversion : 내반 (Turn inward) circum.. 2021. 9. 28. position & direction afferent : 구심성 (Toward a center) efferent : 원심성 (Away from center) anterior(ventral) : 복측 (Front of the body) posterior(dorsal) : 배측 (Back of the body) central : 중앙 (Pertaining to the center) deep : 심부 (Away from the surface) superficial : 표재성 (Near the surface) distal : 원위 (Away from the center) proximal : 근위 (Toward the center) superior(cephalic) : 상측(두측) (Above) inferior(caudal) : 하측(미측) (Bel.. 2021. 9. 28. Sensory (감각계)organ : The eye, The ear AC : air conduction (공기순환) AD : right ear (오른쪽 귀) AS : left ear (왼쪽 귀) AU : both ear (양쪽 귀) BC : bone conduction (뼈전도) HD : hearing disturbance (청각장애) ENT : ear, nose, throat (귀, 코, 기관지) ETF : eustachian tube functioning (유스타치안관의 기능) Oto : otology (이비인후과) PE Tube : polyethylene ventilating tube (폴리에틸렌 환기관) 2021. 7. 21. Endocrine(내분비계) system ACTH : adrenocorticotropic hormone (부신피질자극호르몬) ADH : antidiuretic hormone (항이뇨호르몬) BMR : basal metabolic rate (기초대사율) DI : diabetes insipidus (요붕증) DM : diabetes mellitus (당뇨병) FBS : fasting blood sugar (공복시 혈당) FSH : follicle stimulating hormone (난포자극호르몬) GH : growth hormone (성장호르몬) GTT : glucose tolerance test (당부하검사) HGH : human growth hormone (성장호르몬) ICSH : interstitial cell-stimulating horm.. 2021. 7. 21. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 9 다음 반응형