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Sensory (감각계)organ : The eye, The ear AC : air conduction (공기순환) AD : right ear (오른쪽 귀) AS : left ear (왼쪽 귀) AU : both ear (양쪽 귀) BC : bone conduction (뼈전도) HD : hearing disturbance (청각장애) ENT : ear, nose, throat (귀, 코, 기관지) ETF : eustachian tube functioning (유스타치안관의 기능) Oto : otology (이비인후과) PE Tube : polyethylene ventilating tube (폴리에틸렌 환기관) 2021. 7. 21.
Endocrine(내분비계) system ACTH : adrenocorticotropic hormone (부신피질자극호르몬) ADH : antidiuretic hormone (항이뇨호르몬) BMR : basal metabolic rate (기초대사율) DI : diabetes insipidus (요붕증) DM : diabetes mellitus (당뇨병) FBS : fasting blood sugar (공복시 혈당) FSH : follicle stimulating hormone (난포자극호르몬) GH : growth hormone (성장호르몬) GTT : glucose tolerance test (당부하검사) HGH : human growth hormone (성장호르몬) ICSH : interstitial cell-stimulating horm.. 2021. 7. 21.
Female Reproductive(여성생식계) System CS C-section : cesarean section (제왕절개) D & C : dilation and curettage (자궁경관확장과 내막소파술) EDC : estimated day of confinement (출산예정일) LMP : last menstrual period (최종월경기) PID : pelvic inflammatory disease (골반염증질환) IUD : intrauterine device (자궁내 장치) IUP : intrauterine pregnancy (자궁내 임신) IUFD : intrauterine fetal death (자궁내 태아사망) IUGR : intrauterine growth retardation (자궁내 성장지연) DUB : dysfunctional uter.. 2021. 7. 21.
Male Reproductive(남성생식기계) System BPH : Benign prostatic hyperplasia, hypertrophy (양성전립성비대) TUR, TURP : Transurethral resection of the prostate (오됴경유전립선절제술) FTA-ABS : Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test. (형광매독항체흡수검사) GU : Genitourinary (비뇨생식기계) VDRL : Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (매독검사) HSV : Herpes simplex virus (단순포진바이러스) NGU : Nongonococcal urethritis (비임균성요도염) 2021. 7. 13.