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Sensory (감각계)organ : The eye, The ear AC : air conduction (공기순환) AD : right ear (오른쪽 귀) AS : left ear (왼쪽 귀) AU : both ear (양쪽 귀) BC : bone conduction (뼈전도) HD : hearing disturbance (청각장애) ENT : ear, nose, throat (귀, 코, 기관지) ETF : eustachian tube functioning (유스타치안관의 기능) Oto : otology (이비인후과) PE Tube : polyethylene ventilating tube (폴리에틸렌 환기관) 2021. 7. 21.
Digestive system(소화기계) 약어 a.c : before meals (식전) ALP(ALPase) : alkaline phosphatase (간기능 검사) SGOT(AST) : serum glutamic oxaloacteic transamianse (혈청글루타민산옥살로초산트란스아미네이스-간기능검사 수치) SGPT(ALT) : serum glutamic pyruvic transamianse(혈청글루타민산파이루빈산트란스아미네이스-간기능검사 수치) Ba E. : barium enema (바륨관장) CT : computer tomography (컴퓨터 단층촬영) GI : gastrointestinal (위장의) NG tube : nasogastric tube (코위영양관) TPN : total parenteral nutrition (완전비경구영.. 2021. 6. 15.
Word Roots of Sense Organ (감각기의 어근) word root meaning 한국어 example ot/o ear 귀 otodynia (이통) blephar/o eyelid 안검 blepharoptosis (안검하수) ophthalm/o eye 눈 opthalmoscope (검안경) core/o, cor/o pupil 동공 corectasia (병적산동) corne/o cornea 각막 corneitis (각막염) kerat/o cornea 각막 keratome (각막절개도) cycl/o ciliary body 모양체 cycloplegia (조절마비) irid/o, ir/o iris 홍체 iridocele (홍체낭종) lacrim/o tear 눈물 nasolacrimal (비루관의) retin/o retina 망막 retinitis (망막염) sc.. 2021. 6. 8.
Word Roots of Genitourinary System(비뇨생식기의 어근) word root meaning 한국어 example cyst/o bladder, sac 방광, 주머니 cystitis (방광염) hyster/o uterus 자궁 hysteropexy (자궁고정술) nephr/o kidney 신장 nephritis (신장염) oophor/o ovary 난소 oophorectomy (난소절제술) pyel/o pelvis os the kidney 신우 pyeloplasty (신우성형술) salping/o fallopian tube 난관 salpingectomy (난관절제술) spermat/o sperm 정충 spermatoblast (정자세포) ureter/o ureter 요관 ureterolithotomy (요관결석절제술) urethr/o urethra 요도 urethr.. 2021. 6. 8.