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Musculoskeletal system (근골격계)약어

by 미세스널스큄 2021. 6. 22.

Ca : calcium (칼슘)

C-1, C-2 ect : cervical vertebrae (제1,2 경추)

CK(=CPK) : creatin kinase(=creatine phospho kinase) (크레아티닌 부착소)
CRP : C reactive protein (C반응성 단백)

DJD : degenerative joint disease (퇴행성 관절 질환)

DTR : deep tendon refles (심부건 검사)

EMG : electromyography (근전도)

ESR : erythrocyte sedimentation rate (적혈구 침강 속도)

Fx. : fracture (골절)

HDL : herniated lumbar disk (요추간원판 탈출증)

HNP : herniation of uncleus pulposus (수핵 탈출증)

IS(ICS) : intercostal space (늑간)

KJ : knee jerk (슬개건 반사)

L-1, L-2 ect : lumbar vertebrae 1, 2 (제1,2 요추)

LE cell : lupus erythematosus cell (홍반루프스 세포)

NCV : nerve conduction imaging (신경전도속도)

MRI : magnetic resonance imaging (자기공명영상)

Ortho : orthopedics, orthopaedics (정형외과학)

P : phosphorus (인)

RA : rheumatoid arthritis (류마티스성 관절염)

RF : rheumatoid factor (류마티스성 인자)

ROM : range of motion (운동범위)

SLE : systemic lupus erythematosus (전신성 홍반성 루프스)

SLR : straight leg ,raising sign test (하지직거상 검사)

SMD : spine-malleolar distance (극과간격)

T-1, T-2 ect : thoracic vertebrae 1,2 (제1,2 흉추)

Z(for zuckung) : contraction (수축, 경축)
