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Sensory (감각계)organ : The eye, The ear

by 미세스널스큄 2021. 7. 21.

AC : air conduction (공기순환)

AD : right ear (오른쪽 귀)

AS : left ear (왼쪽 귀)

AU : both ear (양쪽 귀)

BC : bone conduction (뼈전도)

HD : hearing disturbance (청각장애)

ENT : ear, nose, throat (귀, 코, 기관지)

ETF : eustachian tube functioning (유스타치안관의 기능)

Oto : otology (이비인후과)

PE Tube : polyethylene ventilating tube (폴리에틸렌 환기관)


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