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Suffixes of Noun and Adjective Ending(명사와 형용사의 어미) suffix meaning 한국어 example -al, -ic, -ar, -ous pertaining to 형용사어미 duodenal (십이지장과 관한), cephalic (두부의), lumbar (요추의), mucous (점막) -um, -y, -a -ia, -us noun endings 명사어미 duodenum (십이지장), acromegaly (말단비대증), leukoderma (피부백색증), megalogastria (거대위증) mucus (점액) 2021. 5. 24.
Suffixes of Diagnosis and Examining (진단과 검사의 접미사) suffix meaning 한국어 example -scope examining instrument 검사기 gastroscope (위내시경) -scopy examining 검사법 gastroscopy (위내시경법) -meter measuring instrument 측정기 pelvimeter (골반계) -metry measuring 측정법 pelvimetry (골반계측법) 2021. 5. 24.
Suffixes of Therapy and Operation(치료와 수술의 접미사) suffix meaning 한국어 example -ectomy excision of 절제 gastrectomy (위절제) -stormy forming a new opening~ or creation of a communication between~ 개구(누공술) 문합술 tracheostomy (기관절제술) gastroduodenostomy (위십이지장연결술) -tomy incision into 절개 duodenotomy (십이지장절개술) -tome instrument that cuts 절제도구 dermatome (피부분절) -rrhaphy suture 봉합 ureterorrhaphy (요관봉합술) -pexy fixation 고정술 hysteropexy (자궁고정술) -clysis irrigation 관주.. 2021. 5. 24.
Suffixes of Pathological Condition(병적 상태의 접미사) suffix meaning 한국어 example -itis infalnmmation of 염증 gastritis (위염) -osis condition of ~의 상태, 증상, 질환 cyanosis (청색증) -oma tumor 종양 encephaloma (뇌염) -ptosis drooping 하수 blepharoptosis(안검하수) -rrhexis rupture 파열 cytorrhexis (방광파열) -ectasia dilation 확장 gastrectasia (위확장) -ism condition 상태, 증상, 질환 cryptorchidism (잠복고환) -iasis morbid condition 병적상태 lithiasis (결석증) -lysis destruction 파괴 hemolysis (용혈) -.. 2021. 5. 21.