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Female Reproductive(여성생식계) System CS C-section : cesarean section (제왕절개) D & C : dilation and curettage (자궁경관확장과 내막소파술) EDC : estimated day of confinement (출산예정일) LMP : last menstrual period (최종월경기) PID : pelvic inflammatory disease (골반염증질환) IUD : intrauterine device (자궁내 장치) IUP : intrauterine pregnancy (자궁내 임신) IUFD : intrauterine fetal death (자궁내 태아사망) IUGR : intrauterine growth retardation (자궁내 성장지연) DUB : dysfunctional uter.. 2021. 7. 21.
Male Reproductive(남성생식기계) System BPH : Benign prostatic hyperplasia, hypertrophy (양성전립성비대) TUR, TURP : Transurethral resection of the prostate (오됴경유전립선절제술) FTA-ABS : Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test. (형광매독항체흡수검사) GU : Genitourinary (비뇨생식기계) VDRL : Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (매독검사) HSV : Herpes simplex virus (단순포진바이러스) NGU : Nongonococcal urethritis (비임균성요도염) 2021. 7. 13.
Urinary(비뇨기계) System IVP : intravenous pyelography (정맥성신우조영술) RGP : retrograde pyelography (역행성신우조영술) DIP : drip infusion pyelography (점적 정맥주사 신우조영술) U/A : urinalysis (소변분석) ESWL : extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (체외충격파 쇄석술) CRF : chronic renal failure (만성신부전) ARF : acute renal failure (급성신부전) UTI : urinary tract infection (요로감염) HD : hemodialysis (혈액투석) PD : peritoneal dialysis (복막투석) CAPD : continuous ambula.. 2021. 7. 13.
Respiratory(호흡기계) System ABG : artrial blood gases (동맥혈가스) ACD : anterior chest diameter (전흉부직경) AFB : acid-fast bacillus(causes TB) (항산균) A&P : auscultation and percussion (청진과 타진) AP(PA)-view : anteroposterior(posteroanterior) view (전후촬영) ARD : acute respiratory disease (급성 기도 질환) ARF : acute respiratory failure (급성 호흡 부전) BCG : bacillus calmette guerin(vaccine for tuberculosis) (결핵예방백신) BS : breath sound (심음) CF : cy.. 2021. 7. 12.